We all have secrets

I once knew a man who was fanatical about cleanliness. Every day he came home from work he would vaccuum the carpet because he wasn’t happy unless he saw the lines on the floor.

He was also very concerned about his body. He was a very good looking man who worked out a lot. One day he purchased more workout equipment and had it delivered to his house. After the delivery men had left, he told his wife to go repaint the basement walls because he saw the delivery men touch them when they were down there.

A few years ago he and his wife had two . As soon as they were old enough to walk on their own he started teaching them to stay at least one foot away from the walls at all times so their hair didn’t get the walls dirty by brushing up against it.

The right guy for me

I love the fact that I found a guy, who when I tell him I spent over $100 at Sephora yesterday, tells me that it’s ok, he understands that I needed it.

Such a lucky chaturbate girl.

Pets are part of the family

I don’t understand people that get a dog and then leave it outside all day and night. What’s the point? Don’t tell me for “security” because I’ll laugh at you and tell you to move your paranoid butt to another neighborhood.

Dogs are very social, they love their owners, and I think it’s very unfair to kick them in the yard and acknowledge them a couple times a day. I understand that there are some dogs who want to be outside a lot, but there is a big difference between leaving the door open for them to run in and out, and ignoring their cries to come inside and throwing them a bowl of food once a day.

I think my neighrbors must have recently got a dog because before a couple days ago I had never heard a sound from a dog over there, now all the sudden it sounds like a little puppy crying to be let in from 6:00am on. Who puts a little puppy outside?! Puppies are so damn cute it’s all you can do from stuffing them in your pocket and carrying them around all day, it’s just not right to put it outside alone.

Ok, off the dog rant. I’m feeling quite spry today! Last night I had a pounding headache and just felt absolutely exhausted. Poor Katie had so much energy but it was raining too hard to take a walk, so I locked her in the bedroom with some rawhides and forced her to go to sleep with me at 8:30. She woke up a bit earlier than me (I love a dog who can entertain themselves), raided my bathroom trashcan for used q-tips (yuck!) and waited for me to get out of bed at 6:15. Feeling very refreshed. Also the fact that it’s Friday doesn’t hurt.

Seriously… you’re calling for that?

So about those handymen… I called the first one and he said a 22′ ceiling is too high for him to do. Then I called another and left a message on explaining why I was calling, how I got his number, and what I needed done.

Then about an hour later I get a phone call on my jasmin live work number. I answer “This is n” and some very agressive sounding lady immediately barks out “I just got home, saw this number on my caller ID. What’s this all about?!” Without telling me who she even is. So I said “Well, who is this?” and she tells me her name and it clicks. For a split second I thought about telling her to forget about it, don’t even bother having your husband call me back, because you’re obviously a nut case. But instead I told her that I LEFT A DAMN MESSAGE already, and then repeated what I already said on my message. Apparently she doesn’t check messages but instead calls random numbers on her caller ID and questions why they would dare bother her. What a damn weirdo.

In the end it’s probably a good thing I didn’t tell her to go away because when I told her that our ceiling is 22′ high she said that her husband has done things that high before! She said he needs to get a tall enough ladder, but that he could do it, and would call me later tonight. This is very, very good news. I just hope he’s not as crazy as she is.

Seriously, it’s just not normal or appropriate to call every number you see on caller ID. And especially to do so when there’s a message on inbox waiting for you.

A not so great record to break

So yesterday it was 105 degrees here in good old CO. Depending on who you listened to, it was either the hottest day in July ever, or tied for the hottest day. Either way it sucks.

Originally the weather forecasters said it would be 100 yesterday, and ended up 105. Today they’re forecasting 103, and I swear if it turns out to be 108 I’m accepting the job for Ben and moving to Seattle over the weekend.

Ben was sweet last night and made me dinner - the weird taco/ceasar salad w/ ground turkey meat. Very, very low cal and fat since we use 1/2 pound 99% fat free turkey and light caesar salad mix. He also picked up a special treat of Benand Jerry’s Phish Food frozen yogurt for us to share. Wow was it good! You could barely taste a difference between the regular ice cream version and the yogurt. But then later that night I had the worst stomach ache :(. So I ended up watching the girls from https://www.jasminelive.online that night.

Yesterday we got a quote back on our fence and it was finally a bit of good news. Instead of the $40/foot other companies have quoted, this company (who actually did the fence for the golf course) is only charging $29.75/foot. Much, much better. But it’s still going to cost us just under $3,000 for an ugly fence. I think they’re going to put it in a week or two after we move in.

Today I need to call around for a bunch of handymen to see who can install our ceiling fan and light for the entry on a 22′ ceiling. All the major hardware stores around here charge between $30 and $90 just to LOOK at the job and decide if they can or cannot do it. If they can’t we lose the money and get absolutely no work done, which sounds dumb to me so we were recommended some handymen and will see what they say.


I haven’t spoken to my cousin in months. I avoid her phone calls and don’t return them when she leaves a message. The last time I actually called her was earlier this month to say happy birthday (I’m not completely horrible, you know).

So imagine my surprise this afternoon while I’m sitting here eating my lunch, I look up and she’s standing in the doorway to my office.

I don’t know, I guess she felt the need to actually visit me since I didn’t call her back. We had a nice conversation for an hour or so, and while it wasn’t really awkward, it was odd. A recent message I received from her told me that although she was still studying to take her MCAT, she had already been accepted into medical school and was to start in August (ha!). Yet today she told me she was going to have a chance at a large scholarship in a years worth of time and “When I finally get into medical school it will come in handy.” Hmm, thought you were starting in a couple weeks.

Her boyfriend is 31 years old, just a few years younger than Ben, and just graduated college this past May. They live in a crappy studio apartment (litterally 14′x14′) and as some of you may recall, she stole “borrowed” several thousand dollars from my parents and never made the small payments back to them that she promised. Her boyfriend never worked, instead she (to her credit) worked one or two jobs to keep them afloat (and drug supplied, whatever your opinion might be). She told everyone that as soon as he graduated from college with his Poli Sci degree he was going to go to Harvard. Despite the fact that he received mediocre to poor grades. I asked her today and she said he was doing some side work for his father and other than that not working. What a winner.

No matter how frustrating she is, I will say that it makes me so thankful for my own life. To be sane, have a wonderful family, and such a fantastic boyfriend. I’m comfortable with myself, I don’t need to lie about everything, and my family actually trusts me.